About This Site
Contact Information and Frequently Asked Questions
About The On Cinema Timeline
This site was born out of a desire to bring all On Cinema content together into one place. It was initially intended to simply show each episode alongside the relevant Twitter content but snowballed during the development to include a whole lot more. I make a lot of On Cinema videos which requires me to watch through the show over and over again so I used that as an opportunity to database all aspects of the show that I think might be useful. I've tried to address most details about the site below, but if you need to contact me about anything you can do so at @justingaynor on Twitter.
Frequently Asked Questions
I found something that's misspelled/broken
Please let me know about it! (I'm @justingaynor on Twitter) A lot of the data entry for this site was done with bleary eyes in the middle of the night. I've tried to clean the data up but I'm sure there are mistakes here and there.
Aren't those Season 1 episodes out of order?
Nope, they are actually mislabeled on YouTube. I was surprised about it as well, but the tweets announcing each episode don't lie.
Where is all of this movie data/imagery coming from?
I'm using the great OMDb API behind the scenes to find details about each movie like directors, release dates, run times, and posters.
How are you collecting all of those tweets?
By hand, sadly. I tried a number of automated ways initially, but there was no great way to write filters that would be generic enough to find everything but specific enough to not collect non-On Cinema stuff. Twitter's API is also quite pricey so I went about it tweet by tweet.
I know a great tweet that's missing...
Please send it to me at @justingaynor so I can check it out and possibly add it! One thing that Twitter makes it nearly impossible to find is an archive of what a user has retweeted, so while the content from the guys is very thorough there is definitely a lot of fan content missing.
What about Decker?!?
Decker is (probably) coming soon. There's also a couple alt-episodes of the podcast and some miscellaneous On Cinema videos that I've debated including in the main timeline but I felt like this was a complete enough timeline to launch with. There will definitely be more content added.
Is there a way to know when the site gets new features or content?
Yup you follow @octimeline on Twitter. I will post there whenever fun new things are added.
Where I can see more On Cinema things that you (Justin) make?
You can subscribe to my YouTube channel for On Cinema video content or follow me on Twitter.
I'm a nerd and I want to know what the site is running on...
PHP/MySQL. Nothing fancy.