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Movies & Reviews

Solo: A Star Wars Story
Gregg's Review
I am going to decline to review this movie and I'm going to tell you why. I thnk any long time viewer knows that George Lucas and co are guilty of theft, taking my master codebreaker character and folding it into the Star Wars world. I don't know if that character plays into this movie, I'm going to have to assume that he does, but in any case I'm boycotting the movie until I receive full credit from Mr. Lucas and an invitation to appear in one of the future Star Wars movies.
Gregg did not rate this film
Tim's Review
What's the first movie on, on, in store? What's the first movie in store?
Tim did not rate this film
Popcorn Classics

Double Exposure
Gregg's Comments
This is a revenge movie. It was released by Prism Entertainment. And it is 93 minutes.

Gregg's Comments
This is a...well, it's about a sexy seductress who cunningly lures the victims with her beauty.

Gregg's Comments
91 minutes. Again, it's always close to 90 minutes for these.
After The Episode