Episode At A Glance
Featured Segments
Original Air Date
Movies & Reviews

Life of the Party
Tim's Review
This was a Melissa McCarthy comedy vehicle. A very funny one at that, and I think she's again proving herself to be sort of the John Belushi of the female gender in terms of outrageousness

Gregg's Review
If the Oscars would get with the modern world and have an award for best comedy this would be a shoo-in


Breaking In
Gregg's Review
This is kind of a horror film about home invasion. It's really quite unpleasant at times, but that's kind of what going to the movies is all about is experiencing different types of things and some of them can't be fun

Tim's Review
Basically a "watch out" story. A "be careful what you wish for" story, I suppose.
Tim did not rate this film
Popcorn Classics

Eye for an Eye
Gregg's Comments
This is a thriller about the search for justice in a just world and it's 102 minutes

Mystery Men
Tim's Comments
That's basically a spoof of superhero movies with Hank Azaria and Ben Stiller
After The Episode