Episode At A Glance
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Movies & Reviews

Fast & Furious 8
Gregg's Review
Of course Bond has had more movies, but they didn't have numbers in the titles like this one did. But just in terms of movies that end with numbers, this is now the furthest any of them have ever gone beating out Police Academy 7.

Tim's Review
So this is the classic case of the, uh, Fast and The Furious and I loved this movie. I thought it was missing the great Paul Driver.
Tim did not rate this film

The Lost City of Z
Gregg's Review
This is a big movie, make no mistake about it. And it's big movies that tend to take home Oscar gold, so you're absolutely correct in your prediction. This will be a big Oscar winner.


Tim's Review
This was an Oscar winner for me.


Popcorn Classics

How to Deal
Gregg's Comments
This is a movie about a high school student who is convinced that true love doesn't exist
After The Episode