Episode At A Glance
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Movies & Reviews

Jack Reacher
Tim's Review
I am so glad to see Tom Cruise back in the mix

Gregg's Review
It's an instant classic.

Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away
Tim's Review
This is very much like going to see Cirque du Soleil except it's been filmed and shot and you can watch it like a movie

Gregg's Review
If you can't get out there to see Cirque du Soleil in person, go to your local cineplex

Popcorn Classics

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Tim's Comments
It says it right on the title sequence, Star Trek IV, and then they go back to San Francisco It's not that hard to explain.

Dick Tracy
Gregg's Comments
Today on my segment Popcorn Classics we have Dick Tracy starring Warren Beatty
After The Episode