The On Cinema Timeline

Season 8, Episode 2

'Cafe Society' and 'Jason Bourne'

Episode At A Glance
Featured Segments
Original Air Date


Movies & Reviews

Jason Bourne

Director: Paul Greengrass

Year: 2016     Run Time: 123 min

The CIA's most dangerous former operative is drawn out of hiding to uncover more explosive truths about his past.

Gregg's Review

I think they should re-release this movie with a new title. Again, The Bourne Victory seems like the most natural one, and I think you'll see the box office explode if they do that.

5 Bags of Popcorn, 1 Advice Capsule

Tim's Review

This one didn't have the thrills and chills that I was looking for in a movie, and I found it very confusing, and I didnt understand what was going from moment to moment with the movie.

5 Bags of Popcorn

Café Society

Director: Woody Allen

Year: 2016     Run Time: 96 min

In the 1930s, a Bronx native moves to Hollywood and falls in love with a young woman who is seeing a married man.

Tim's Review

Now this is his 100th movie, I believe.

5 Bags of Popcorn, 1 Cup of Soda


Gregg's Review

Put it this way...Woody Allen's house is sinking into the ground under the weight of all that Oscar gold

5 Bags of Popcorn, 5 Wheelbarrows To Carry All Of Woody's Oscars

After The Episode