Episode At A Glance
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Movies & Reviews

Nine Lives
Gregg's Review
This is very reminiscent of The Shaggy D.A., The Shaggy Dog, either one of those movies I guess you'd say. Cross that with Garfield and you'll know what Nine Lives is all about.

Tim's Review
I'm sorry I'm talking this way, I'm trying not to breathe out my nose. I don't want the ideas from my head to come out of my nose. I want everything to stay inside.

Suicide Squad
Gregg's Review
I would have to say 5 bags of popcorn is a slam dunk rating for this, and I'm going to throw in a pair of handcuffs for Dr San for doing this once again.

Tim's Review
What made me like this movie the most is it made me laugh, and I need a laugh right now because things are not going well. And, you know, Ayaka is in Japan right now as she discusses terminating our pregnancy.

On Cinema On Location
If you've seen the movie you might remember a scene that was filmed exactly where I'm standing, in front of this old movie theater.

Broken Horses
After The Episode