Episode At A Glance
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Movies & Reviews

Power Rangers
Gregg's Review
Well it's not a remake because there was no Power Rangers movie, it was a TV show so it's not a remake.
Gregg did not rate this film
Tim's Review
This is another remake of a great TV show for kids


Tim's Review
This is CHIPs. It's based on a TV show, and it's basically two motorcycle cops and it's very funny and it's one of my favorite movies of the year.

Gregg's Review
I'm just sick of people saying it's a remake of CHIPs because the original was a TV show and it's not a remake of a TV show it's a movie which is a completely different thing

Popcorn Classics

A Vow to Kill
Gregg's Comments
Now essentially this IS the Victorville Film Archive. This was in my car so this is the VFA now.
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